Regulations for passing the course

Legal basis: the University Academic Regulations, Wroclaw 2021.
Resolution of the EU Senate No. 24/2021, dated 22.04.2021.

  1. In order to receive credit for physical education, students should meet the following conditions:
    • Enroll in physical education classes through the USOS system /not applicable to sports sections/.
    • Systematically attend physical education classes in the group in which he or she is enrolled, in accordance with the arrangements set forth in these Regulations.
    • Participate in fitness and physical performance tests, if any.
    • Make up absences by the end of the semester.
    • For those who have not attended the classes for which they have registered and have not dropped the class by three days after the end of the electronic enrollment, the subject will not be credited /§ 18 para. 6 URS/.
    • Physical education credit can be obtained only in the primary term /§ 15 para. 6 URS/.
  2. The following rules of participation are established:
    • Physical education classes can be taken from the second through fifth semesters of study.
    • No more than 5 absences in a semester are allowed, of which no more than 3 may remain unclaimed. Absences must be made up in accordance with Item II, Item. 3 of these Regulations, and excuses must be submitted in accordance with § 15, para. 2 URS.
    • Absences must be made up according to the following rules:
      • Only one physical education class can be attended per day,
      • per week, you can participate in three physical education classes, i.e. one mandatory and two additional ones,
      • Backlogs should be made up on an ongoing basis.
  3. Rules for exemption from classes and credit on other grounds.
    • Semester health exemptions are granted on the basis of a doctor’s certificate. Students with a medical exemption, based on a medical certificate, take classes in the form of theoretical classes.
    • Students with a medical exemption register for classes through the USOS system to a group specially created for them.
    • If a student, during the semester in which he or she enrolled in physical education classes, receives a medical exemption that does not allow him or her to complete at least 12 classes in that semester, he or she is treated as a student who did not enroll in physical education classes.
    • .The Head of the Study of Physical Education and Sports shall give credit for classes to students who are members of the national team, Olympic team, university team or sports section at AZS UE.
    • The Head of the Study of Physical Education may grant exemptions from classes:
      • Students raising children under 1 year of age upon confirmation,
      • In other special cases.
    • All applications and exemptions for pos. 1 should be delivered to the Secretariat of the Study of Physical Education and Sports by the first day of the start of each semester, and in the case of pos. 2, within one week after the student’s health condition allows it. Medical exemptions or other documents submitted after the deadline will not be honored.
  4. Requests for exemptions for other reasons, as well as appeals against the decision of the Head of the Physical Education and Sports Studio on exemptions, are considered by the Dean.


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